Digital Resources for K-12 | Learning in the Age of COVID

Monday, April 27, 2020
2-3 PM ET, 11 AM-12 PM PT

It’s a new age for learning and education. Content and tools are widely available, but what are the best resources and how best to use them in this uncharted landscape? Join our panel of experts for a critical discussion about digital resources, along with curated recommendations and guidance on their use.

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Gary Price, MLIS, Co-Founder and Editor, Library Journal’s infoDOCKET

Melissa Techman, MLS, NBCT, School Librarian, Albemarle Co Public Schools


Rebecca Jozwiak, School Library Journal

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Can’t make it April 27th? No problem!
Register now and we will email you when the webcast is available for on-demand viewing.

Lemma Shomali, Director of K-12 Products, Gale, A Cengage Company

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