Thank you!

On behalf of the Utah Educational Library Media Association, we want to Thank You for attending the 2020 UELMA Annual Conference, LIbraries are for Everyone, on March 6, 2020 at Weber State University.

In order to make next year’s conference even more successful we request that you fill out conference evaluation survey. You will also be able to request an attendance certificate for re-licensure points and USBE credit at the end of the evaluation.  We thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions and we assure you that each will be given consideration so that future conferences and events will be even more of a success. We hope that you found the conference informative and worthwhile. No matter if you were an attendee, presenter, exhibitor/sponsor, or all three, your presence helped to make this event a great success!

As a reminder, if you were a presenter, please remember to upload your session resources to your Sched page so late attendees can access them online. Please refer to the sched help document on how to do that.

UELMA continues to function as an organization because of the support from you! We look forward to our 2021 conference and in order to receive updates and information, please subscribe to our page,


The UELMA  2020 Conference committee